Opinion: For a more productive life, daydream – CNN.com

From Newtown to Twain to JK Rowling, creative thinkers have been most productive by oscillating between deep study and idleness. Neuroscience is now showing why that is.

Ending The Mommy Wars | Finding time for work, love, and play | goop.com

I wrote my book to be a game changer. To change the narrative, shine the light on Bright Spots, show new role models and change the tired old conversation, to uncover, unmask outmoded cultural norms and powerful, unconscious bias about gender, and challenge the dangerous mythology that total devotion to overwork and busyness is what makes America #1. That’s simply untrue. Instead, it’s making us sick, stupid, unimaginative, unproductive, disengaged, unhappy and unhealthy.

U.S. productivity: Putting in all those hours doesn’t matter

Americans work among the most hours of any advanced economy, but the official record of hours worked doesn’t tell the whole story of our workaholic culture.

5 Things That Surprised Me About Mothers | Brigid Schulte

Though my husband and I had promised to be equal partners, when we had our first child, we both just automatically assumed I was the one just naturally “wired” for the job. We were both wrong.

Not my mother’s world: ‘Who is Mrs. Thomas M. Bowman?’

Was it easier for my mother? Easier not to dream, convinced that you’d just be a selfish woman if you tried to?

How to Fix America’s Work-Too-Much Culture | Healthy Living – Yahoo Shine

Lilit Marcus and I talk about the costs of overwork and busyness and ways to get the best work done without killing ourselves

Why working less may make us all more productive, balanced – KSHB.com

Christa Dubill interviews me and others about America’s culture of overwork and how cities like San Francisco are passing ordinances promoting flexible work, and Gothenburg, Sweden, is moving to a six hour work day.

How we’ve failed at achieving work-life balance — in 1 giant chart – The Week

In a LearnVest survey, 39 percent thought achieving work-life balance is a pipe dream. One in four said they fought with their partners about working too much. Only 3 in 10 use all their vacation time. And in an ideal world, they’d have flextime, job s…

This column will change your life: stop being busy | Life and style | The Guardian

Oliver Burkeman in The Guardian on Overwhelmed:This column will change your life: stop being busy: ‘Most time management advice rests on the unspoken assumption that it’s possible to win the game: to find a slot for everything that matters. But if the …

Omnivoracious: Brigid Schulte on Taming the To-Do List: “Put Joy First”

Neal Thompson on Overwhelmed on Amazon’s Omnivoracious: “I found it fitting that it took a week of texts and emails for Schulte and me to find a window in our respective schedules. When we finally connected, Schulte was charging her dying iPhone at the booth of a Eugene, Oregon burger joint, during a brief pause between book tour duties, her son’s University of Oregon tour, her daughter’s birthday, and visits with her sick father. But thanks to the three-plus years of research she conducted for Overwhelmed: Work, Love, and Play When No One Has the Time, she seemed serene and relaxed, even when the burger place began playing Nirvana, threatening threatened to drown out our conversation. Her calmness was not always so….”