Feeling overwhelmed? | News-Gazette.com

Julie Wuth wrote a wonderful column and a Q & A – and tips – with me about Overwhelmed for The News-Gazette: “So what does Schulte advise? Burn the to-do list. You don’t really need it. “I had this ‘if-then’ bargain — if I get through all this and this and this and this, then I can sit down and read a book or enjoy myself. I never got to the end of that to-do list,” she said, again seeing into my soul. Just last week I found myself avoiding or postponing several fun activities — a birthday party, a brunch with friends, an art fair my daughter would love — because I felt too overwhelmed by several personal things hanging over my head. If I could just get those done…. “I think you get so busy in that panicky, hyper-vigilant, go-go state that you don’t have a moment to stop and think; maybe my to-do list is crazy,” she said.”

GQ Magazine: The Best Books of March 2014

“Why We Love it: Because Schulte can report with the best of them and is honest and insightful. She perfectly captures the experience of the worried mother/professional in twenty-first-century America, while weaving in contemporary scientific research on time management and stress. It’s basically a covert free pass into the psyche of your spouse (and maybe yourself). —Luke Zaleski” Thank you Luke Zaleski!

Why being too busy makes us feel so good

We don’t feel important, experts say, unless we have too much to do.

How to stop feeling so overwhelmed – Chatelaine

Chatelaine asked me what most people craved when I was reporting my book, Overwhelmed. Time, I answered. Time to breathe, to think, to rest, to enjoy, to be filled with joy – without feeling guilty or worried they’d fall behind if they stepped off the …

British women are the queens of leisure? Give me a break | Brigid Schulte | Comment is free | The Guardian

The OECD reports that British women enjoy five and a half hours of leisure today. “Who are these women?” one harried British writer asked. My take on how women have never had a history or culture of leisure, how fragmented time, “mental labor,” guilt a…

The Interview: Author Brigid Schulte – Macleans.ca

“Keeping up with the Joneses is now about how much stuff you can cram into your calendar, but multi-tasking can make you stupid.” I really enjoyed talking with Cathy Gulli of Macleans magazine.

The psychology of adult playtime « Psychologies

‘We’re in a society where we have to justify play,’ Stieglitz said. ‘But play reminds you of your better self and how happy you can be. In play, there’s a wonderful lightness of being.’ Excerpt from the “Let Us Play” chapter now appearing in the UK in Psychologies magazine

5 reasons why you shouldn’t work too hard

“Why do we work so hard?” actor Neal McDonough asks in a commercial for a luxury car.

‘Mad Men’ era of U.S. family policy coming to an end?

A new poll shows a majority of American voters support “family friendly” policies like an increased minimum wage, affordable child care and paid family and medical leave.

What happens to our brains when we exercise and how it makes us happier – The Buffer Blog

When we’re all feeling so pressed for time, there’s good science that shows how even 20 minutes can change your life. Twenty minutes of exercise, or just moving, can change your brain, lift your mood and boost your productivity. Twenty minutes of medit…