Do these exercises for two minutes a day and you’ll immediately feel happier, researchers say

Too busy trying to achieve to be happy? You’ve got it backwards, a happiness researcher says

Why this one woman doesn’t want to have it all

An Lu discovered that having it all doesn’t have to mean having it all right now

Millennials are actually more generous than anybody realizes

Why people should stop hating on millennials for being selfish

Overworked and overwhelmed? Try the mindfulness alternative

We know about fight or flight, but to help combat the stress of overwork and overwhelm, we often forget about the restoring power of ‘rest and digest’

End of the corner office: D.C. law firm designs its new space for millennials

Millennial workers want an end to hierarchies in the workplace, so their voices can be heard from the start.

This director of an overworked nonprofit wants a four-day week for all. Here’s how she’s doing it.

Erin Marteal thought she just needed to learn time management tips to move her non-profit staff to a four-day work week. Instead, she’s looking for a new office

The best thing parents can do to help prevent sexual assault? Talk about it.

It may be uncomfortable, but having an honest and practical conversation with your teen about sexual assault and alcohol can help them avoid problems in college

CNN journalist Josh Levs forced his employer to give new dads more time off. Now he wants others to speak up, too

Why do men receive less parental leave, if they get it at all? One dad tackles the question — and answers

This young recruiter learned that his lack of focus at work masked a deeper problem. Here’s how he tackled it

Anthony Randall, an ambitious swim coach and recruiter, thought he just needed help staying focused. But lack of focus can be symptomatic of a deeper issue

Have a hard time getting away from work? Here’s how to make sure your vacation actually feels like one

Getting away for vacation – and enjoying it – may require learning some new skills.