Do you send late-night emails when you don’t need to? Then you’re part of the overwork problem.

American culture rewards overwork — but not everyone can benefit, especially in the era of two-worker families.

Her husband thinks housework is women’s work, but she was a Superwoman who needed rescuing

Mitzi Frye was doing it all –work, volunteering and all of the housework for her husband and son. Then she took lessons in making time for herself

Surprise! Five ways to thrive in an uncertain world

In uncertain times, transparency and trust and embracing playful surprise can help you thrive

One key to a happier sex life: Share child care duties equally, new research finds

One reason: It may cut down on resentment.

At Stanford University, it’s time in the bank

Program sets out to save ER doctors from burnout — by letting them trade work tasks for extra help at home.

This businessman dreamed of playing guitar on the side. But his biggest obstacle had nothing to do with time

Once Vardhan Mulik, a busy IT professional, learned that the biggest secret to finding time had little to do with time

FDA approves controversial ‘female Viagra’ drug

Supporters of the controversial drug designed to boost a women’s libido hailed the decision as an end to “gender bias” that will give women more choice and control over their sexual lives, but critics point to dangerous side effects.

A great tip for improving your day: Start it by reading ‘transformative’ news, researchers find

From 1952-2015: The path to ‘female Viagra’ has been a rocky one

The Food and Drug Administration is expected to decide whether to approve flibanserin, often called “female Viagra,” early this week.

This young single mother was racing through life. Here’s how she learned to stop

Single mother Daniela Eaton was always rushing and so busy, she never felt she could give her two boys the attention she wanted to. Here’s how one small change in her life led to bigger ones.